The Ant Collective

Personal project

A fully illustrated non-fiction book about the monogynous form of the Red Wood Ant (Formica rufa). It shows the formation of a Wood Ant nest and the versatile social behavior of ants.

The book was completely designed, researched, written, and illustrated by me. It is based onto my master’s thesis in Informative Illustration at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. The book visualizes in naturalistic 3D-Illustrations and schematic infographics, the anatomy of ants, their nest architecture, their interaction with the environment, their interaction with other animals and their group behavior in numerous situations.
The information in the book is based onto numerous scientific works of myrmecologist and visual aids I collected.

The book was published in two languages:

German Edition
Title: Das Ameisenkollektiv – Entstehung und Organisation eines Waldameisenvolkes
Publisher: KOSMOS Verlag (12 March 2020)
Language: German
Hardcover: 128 pages
ISBN: 978-3440168875
Size: 255 x 350 mm
Price: 35,00 €

French Edition
Title: Fourmis – Vie et intelligence collective d’une colonie
Publisher: Éditions Ulmer (8 October 2020)
Language: French
Hardcover: 128 pages
ISBN: 978-2379221361
Size: 211 x 289 mm
Price: 29,90 €

Excerpts from the book